From the beginning of Barack Obama’s campaign the question of “Is white America ready for a black president?” But let me ask a question that has not been asked my many.
Is Black America ready for a black president?
Tavis Smiley on his June 13th show posed two questions I would like to discuss here:
On his June 13th show Tavis Smiley posed the question “Having some body that has to race transcend and has to pivot on race does that mean we are really ready?”
The way he poses this question leads me to believe that he would rather see a candidate like Jesse Jackson who runs an unapologetically “black” campaign and win. In my estimation Mr. Smiley doesn’t see the big picture. When a man runs for president of the United States he’s got to have an appeal that crosses all boundaries. Everyone knows Obama is a black man. Obama reminding white people that he’s black will only serve to marginalize him.
What does black America gain by getting behind somebody who has to jump through hoops just to get in office?
Once again I find it very noteworthy in the way he posses this question. Being that Tavis was an avid Hillary supporter his question is revealing in the way he sees the scope of things. Are we to believe that Black America would gain more if Hillary was the nominee? What is to be gained? Mr. Smiley poses a hard question. One can only speculate about what’s to be gained for all black and white. I do not think black Americans will get any special treatment if Obama becomes the president. I can tell you what we will loose though; we will loose the ability to make the excuses we’ve been making for decades.
We will now have to step up while staying vigilant. It’s going to be hard as hell to convince white people racism still exists with a black man as president but only a fool would think that a black president would end racism in America.