Saturday, January 08, 2005

79 year old man charged with murder

You can get away with murder but only for so long. 40 years to be exact.

A Mississippi man was arrested for murder Thursday in connection to the 1964 killings of three civil rights workers (Michael Schwerner, James Chaney and Andrew Goodman) whose bodies were buried in an earthen dam outside the town of Philadelphia -- killings that spurred national support for the civil rights movement.

Edgar Ray Killen was charged with the being one of the many men who took part in the 1964 abduction and killing of three voter-registration volunteers by nightriders on a lonely rural road in Mississippi.

I can't express how much bulls*it this is. If you call yourself an American you should be just as outraged as I am. This guy is going to be 80 years old in jail and getting free health care all on the state's dime. So is this how justice works? You kill a man and then you get away with it for 40 years and then you get sent to jail when you're 79? So I guess we get the last few years when he's old and pitiful?

Sorry my fellow Americans but that is not justice. This is just the best law enforcement can do. And that is pretty damn sad.

And top it off the guy has the nerve to plead not guilty. Well I guess in his mind he saw these men as subhuman. Maybe that was his logic. I guess that's what my problem is with this guy and people like him. People like him feel that anyone who isn't white isn't really a human being therefore they are not entitled to the same rights as he is. Last time I checked my calender it was 2004 it's amazing that it took 40 years to bring this man to justice.

It upsets me even more that this is what we settle for as justice.


Nominal Me said...

Uh, exactly what are you expecting them to do? Get in a time machine and put him in jail 40 years ago?

Unknown said...

I expect "them" to stop saying that this is bringing him to "justice" and just say that "this is the best they can do."