Monday, January 17, 2005

Cosby in Detroit

America's favorite father is at it again folks.

Recently at while giving a speech in Detroit to a standing-room only crowd of about 1,800 people at Wayne County Community College District he urged parents to take responsibility for their children.

"And the poverty pimps and victim pimps keep telling the victims to stay where they are, 'You can't get up, you can't do this, you can't do that.' ...I'm telling you, you better get up."

Cosby is saying things that sound conservative but in reality what he's saying is quite afrocentric. Restoring pride is key in the uplift of a people I believe this wholeheartedly and it starts with the parents. Cosby's message is harsh and very controversial but his heart is in the right place.


Nominal Me said...

How is it harsh and contraversial? It makes sense to me? Believe in yourself, no one is going to do you any favors. What's wrong with that?

Unknown said...

I guess some people feel he is over simplifying the problem,. Call me crazy but speeches don't change the reality.

Ms. Blaize said...

Speeches don't change the world but it definitely sparks debate and dialogue and that is the start of change. Besides he may not get through to everybody but if he gets through to enough people with influence or people that others admire, then at least there's a chance that people may follow suit. It's better to try than to do nothing at all. So I applaud the man! SPEAK COS, SPEAK!!!