Tuesday, January 11, 2005

In defense of Armstrong


First off I have never been one to agree with Armstrong Williams. But this is one time in where I feel like he's getting the shaft.

"In 2003 Ketchum Communications contacted a small PR firm that I own, Graham Williams Group, to buy ad space on a television show that I own and host. The ad was to promote The Department of Education’s “No Child Left Behind” plan. I have long felt that school vouchers hold the greatest promise of ending the racial education gap in this country."

So let me get this right? You took money to air an ad on a show you own? To support a agenda that you already agree with? Doesn't sound like a problem to me. Here's where he made a "mistake in judgement"

"I now realize that I exercised poor judgment in continuing to write about a topic which my PR firm was being paid to promote."

Yeah you did Armstrong. But some how I feel a lot of people do what you did but they just don't get caught. If this was Pat Buchanan I don't think this would have happened.

Armstrong's mistake started when he took the money to back an agenda that he already agreed with. He should have done what the big boys do in Washington, and use the favor system. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about I'll explain:

Armstrong does the job (for free) but cashes in on that favor on a later date. It almost worked for Rudy Giuliani's boy Bernard Kerik.

As a result of this scandal certain papers have nixed his column. And he could lose his TV show.

Meanwhile the White House has declared that this is an isolated incident.


Unknown said...

My colleague C.F. Kane is crazy. Armstrong Williams deserved exactly what he got.

Nominal Me said...

Finally, there's someone on the blog that makes sense. I totally agree Kane.