Friday, February 25, 2005

My interview with Stacy J from the Apprentice.

A couple of weeks ago I was walking around Harlem on 125th Street and I bumped into Stacy J. Well that's not really true I saw her crossing the street and I saw her going into a grocery store and I followed her around until I found an opening in a conversation she was having about carrots. So I asked her for an interview and she put me in touch with her publicist. Normally the way I conduct interviews is that I email the questions and the subject emails them back to me. This time around would be a little different. Stacy reviewed the question and decided to call me. We spoke for at least an hour about her time the Apprentice and what her future plans are.

My first impression with Stacy was that she was very down to earth but very intense and serious about what she does. I started the interview by asking her if she was planning on writing a book and if so what is it about? She said yes she is but she couldn't get into details about it. But she is fielding offers from different publishers.

You've got one Subway franchise in Harlem are you working on acquiring another?
My inspiration for having a store is my family, some of my relatives work there. The business is about 2 years old. No, I don't plan on it I've got a lot of other things going on.

What do you think your experience on the Apprentice has taught America about race?
I think this type of thing happens everyday in corporate America to minorities. What I went through no one should have to go through. I realized that there is a ceiling, the show exposes their hand to what their about.
*Note. We talked extensively about race in corporate America but I really didn't take good notes in our conversation. I could tell that Stacy and I are pretty much on the same page when it comes to race in corporate America. What happened to her on that show was just terrible the editors should be ashamed, yeah I know they were just doing their job but they leave a lot out of that show.

What have you been doing since the Apprentice?
I'm on WBLS Show 8:05AM Fridays with Paul Mooney. I'm still modeling, and I am in the works of doing an endorsement for Seven7 Jeans.

What is the most asked question you often get?
Are you crazy?
*Note I couldn't believe people still ask her this. It's amazing that people believe what they see on TV. For the record SHE AIN'T CRAZY folks.

What do you do when you have free time?
Travel, go to South Beach, I love LA, Running, I believe in staying in shape. I love Vikrum Yoga.

You once said "Success should be measured by what you had to give up to achieve it." Do you find that you've had to make a lot of sacrifices to get to where you are today? And were those sacrifices worth it?
Yes, I could have taken the easy way out by just traveling around and modeling. But I don't regret any of the choices I've made and all of the sacrifices were worth it.

I really want to thank Stacy and Michelle (Stacy's publicist) for finding the time for me. I really greatly appreciate it.

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