Monday, September 08, 2008

Catching up.

I’ve been away from this for a couple of weeks and I’ve got some catching up to do. I’ve got a few things to get off my chest so let’s just get started with the randomness.

I got a problem with this new show Sons of Anarchy. It’s on the FX channel and it’s basically a story about a motorcycle club (gang). Right off the bat I have a problem with this show because it reflects a double standard that is pervasive throughout our culture.

If this show was about the Crips or the Bloods people would be up in arms. I know it’s just a TV show and I don’t have to watch it but still there’s something about this show that just bugs me. Where is the outrage from the trailer park coalition?

The tale of two conventions.

I saw both conventions. The Democrats didn’t attack enough and the Republicans lacked substance. The ticket is set: Obama-Biden and McCain-Palin. Either way history will be made in November. There’s just one quote that sticks in my craw that I’d like to vent about: "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities." Maybe it’s my urban values or my urban upbringing but I don’t get what’s so damn funny about being a community organizer. In an interview with Newsweek Obama’s former boss had this to say “I think it shows how much people from the wealthy and privileged sectors have dominated community life.” I could not agree more with that sentiment. Anyone who comes out of an Ivy League college and decides to do “community work” must be commended simply for the fact that they have chosen to help people who have less rather than maintaining the status quo.

For years my mother was some what of a community organizer. As TA (tenant association) president she looked out for the rights of the other tenants in our housing development. When a tenant had a problem whether it be a flood, repairs, or a boiler issue my mother was the one who made the call to management to make sure that tenant received the proper assistance they needed. So to say that a community organizer doesn’t have responsibilities is not only an ignorant statement but it’s an insult to anyone who works from a grass roots level to help people who fall between the cracks left by the government. It’s the community organizers who the local politicians call when they need votes it’s the community organizers who eventually become politicians. And if I’m not mistaken didn’t Mrs. Palin get her start on the PTA? And isn’t the PTA a community organization?

By the way I love the way teenage moms are getting love from the GOP. Who knew that all it took was for the VP’s daughter to get knocked up. I guess it’s ok cause Bristol plans on marrying Levi Johnson. Apparently Bristol hasn’t read Levi's MySpace page which stated: “I don’t want kids.”

*As of last week his MySpace page was taken down. Guess he changed his mind?

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