Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Jon Stewart and the media.

There is a lot of talk on the web about what Jon Stewart did on Crossfire. You can see it here for yourself. Personally he's right but is he qualified to be the spokesperson?

Let's be honest here for a minute. Jon Stewart makes his money off of delivering the fake news every night. Why now is he biting the hand that feeds him? He should know that when a comic tries to be serious it can backfire. Just look at what happened to Bill Cosby.

In my humble opinion he's not qualified to go off on the media. But now that the die has been cast he should run with it and speak out more. Jon Stewart put into words what most Americans feel. He may not be qualified but he should be heard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what do you have to do to be qualified? Isn't being a citizen critiquing the forums our national politics play in enough?