I've been slacking big time during black history month but I promise that I will make it up to you readers that still come around.
Today's topic is WHEN IS IT RACIAL or Are we too sensitive?
In this post I will put forward several situations that may or may not be racial. It all depends on your perception and your ability to see things for what they really are. You be the judge.
Case 1:
Like many New Yorkers I was affected by the MTA strike back in December. The TWU lead by Roger Tussaint called a strike for all transit workers in NYC. He sited that the MTA has been treating their workers unfairly and that this was not just about money but about their dignity. Talks are still in limbo.
A majority of NYer's thought it was all about the money. And Tussaint's call for a strike was a bit much and he should just make a deal (read roll over and play nice). But Tussaint's pride wouldn't let him.
Tussaint was vilified in the press. Now was it cause he called for a strike that made New York City loose over 10 million dollars. If the president of TWU was a white man would he get bad press the way Tussaint got it?
IMO: I think anyone that makes New York loose money is gonna get bad press. Tussaint being black has nothing to do with him getting bad press. But there were trigger words used in the press (ex. calling the workers thugs) to describe the workers. And let's not forget that the union is a minority run union (meaning there are more black people in the union than white.)
Case 2:
Shani Davis. Is he an angry black man who's not a team player or is he misunderstood?
IMO: Based on what I've read he's a loner and sometimes people can be rubbed the wrong way by that. It looks racial in the way the press has covered it, let's be honest here; it's black guy playing a white sport. No matter how anyone covers the story is going to look racial.
Sometimes black people in America see racism when it ain't there. But that's cause most of us have experienced it for most of our lives.
Yes that's a valid excuse white folks so deal with it. We didn't create racism we just live under it's evil thumb.
So when is it racial? Is it racial when a white man stands up side by side with a black man and says "YES THIS IS RACIALLY MOTIVATED." Or is it a matter of how we perceive things? So in an effort to help my white brothers and sisters I've come up with a guide to help you tell when things are racial.
- When a black person with no criminal record gets shot or beaten by the cops, chances are it's racial.
- When a black person runs for public office and the media wonders what he or she is going to do for the rest of the community, chances are it's racial
- When a black person dominates what we've been told is a white sport and gets bad press chances are it's racial.
- When the sentence is 25 to life for crack while the sentence for cocaine is one year, chances are it's racial.
- When a white rapper sells more records than a black rapper, chances are it's racial.
- When black people loot and white people find, chances are it's racial.
- When a Harvard MBA looses to a High School graduate on a reality show, chances are it's racial.
- When a black TV star runs out on a 50 million dollar contract and runs off to Africa, chances are it's racial.
- When your land gets "discovered" even though you've been there, chances are it's racial.
- When your continent and respective countries gets renamed and borders are changed without you being notified, chances are it's racial.
- If your oil and diamond rich country is in debt to the IMF, chances are it's racial.
- If there is more of your people in jail than in college, chances are it's racial.
- If you can't believe your hair or skin is beautiful without treating it with lye or bleach chances are it's racial.
- If your character dies within the first 30 minutes of a movie, chances are it's racial.
- When you get called a refugee in your own country, chances are it's racial.
- When your neighborhood gets washed away and the gov't doesn't care, chances are it's racial.
- When your church gets blown up with four little girls inside, chances are it's racial.
- When a white person just doesn't get it, chances are it's racial.
- When you get shot for having a dream, chances are it's racial.
I hope this guide helps my white brothers and sisters out there. Have a nice day.