Friday, December 24, 2004

More Red State Madness

Before I bid you guys a Happy X-Mas and a Merry New Year I wanted to leave you guys with a little RED STATE MADNESS.

Jacqueline Duty is suing Russell High School in Lexington, KY for damages resulting in the amount of $50,000. She was told to leave her prom because of her dress.

I think she should have been allowed to wear the dress to her prom. And I also think that if anyone was offended by her expression of her Southern heritage, they should feel free to point out to her that her ancestors lost the Civil War.

Her lawyer said Duty lost many scholarships because she was portrayed as a racist after the incident. Duty's mother added that her daughter graduated near the top of her class in May.

Good for her she graduated at the top of her class but here's the thing. If she was so smart she would understand that the confederate flag symbolizes an society that favored slavery and degredation of black people. That's sounds pretty racist to me.

She should have went to Cary Christian Academy.

William Jelani Cobb wrote a great article one what Cary Christian Academy is doing to history.

Happy Holiday's folks, drink em if ya got em.

1 comment:

Nominal Me said...

Can you imagine being her date?

Hey, were's my Merry X-Mas greetings?