Tuesday, March 29, 2005

What if Terry Schiavo was black?

There's been a lot of blogging and a lot of ranting over the Terry Schiavo case these past few months.

At this time I'm going to throw my two cents out there and rant my a** off. Why? Because I'm just sick and tired of hearing about this woman.

First off this woman is no longer a person she's become a political cause. It's so hypocritical that in the efforts to restore her dignity the conservatives have done just the oppostie. And it's a damn shame. Personally I think they should have pulled the tube a while ago and let the woman die in peace. But now there's national debate over what we should do in this kind of situation. But what if Terry Schiavo was black or native American? Would we give a damn? Would GW Bush actually care?

No. There wouldn't be one camera on her if she was black. This country has a long legacy of doing worse things to black women.

Lets take for example forced sterilization.

Of course there are those that say "But those laws are off the books." Yes those laws that were made in the early 1900's are off the books but their spirit remains.

That's how deep race is in this country. Instead of taking your life they take away your ability to create it.


The Marigold Trail said...

You preach it, Doc!

Schiavo has been in a vegetative state for 15 yrs. The only reason Bush is paying attention now is because it is politically expedient and is a quick way to possible win some more religious right support. DeLay has admitted as much. Votes, people, for Jeb('08) and so Bush can placate the religious right and their "moral values" That is what Schiavo is all about. Those politicians, who champion state's rights when it's useful and become federalists when it's not, who sought to overturn judicial process for their political gains (but then, this is Florida), couldn't care less if this poor woman lives or dies. So let her pass over, and let her do it with dignity.

The Marigold Trail said...

Did you see Jesse lent himself to the cause? What do you think of that???


"University of South Florida political science professor Susan MacManus said Jackson's appearance shows that the life-and-death issues surrounding their daughter resonate beyond white, Christian conservatives.

"A person of faith, and not just a white, conservative person of faith will be seen as a welcomed change," MacManus said."

Unknown said...

I think it goes to show you how Jesse Jackson has become the poster boy for lost causes.

I found a story in where a hospital removed a feeding tube from a black new born against the mother's wishes. Where was Jesse then?


Now I know that Ms. Schiavo is going to die for sure.

Anonymous said...

This would not have been a national media case if Terry was black. There are many black folks who are living and breathing, but are allowed to die due to the death penalty. What annoys me more than anything is that the media does not usually give much coverage when governors and judges refuse to issue a stay to prevent the execution. Where are the right to lifers when a non-vegetative state human is being killed by execution or lethal injection? Somehow conservative right to lifers can justify support for executing humans. But they were ready to give their lives for Terry (who has been in a vegetative state for several years). In Texas, in particular, there were cases of where a stay should have been issued because the convicted killer's IQ was determined to be at a level of where they were functionally retarded or there was evidence that was never introduced due to the incomptence of the public defender. But no special congressional hearings were held. The governor (now president) never stood before the media to justify why he could support killing another human. But now he cares about Terry. A life is a life isn't it? So let's be consistent!