Tuesday, December 28, 2004

2004 Best and Worst Movies

Top Ten best

Garden State - A really good debut film for Zach Braff. Great script and good soundtrack. He won't get an Oscar nod but he deserves one. One of the best love stories I've seen since Lost in Translation.

Sideways - Real characters and good script. Paul Giamatti deserves an Oscar nod.

Kill Bill Vol. 2 - More talk less action. The result...What do you think it's QT fool.

Primer - You have to watch this movie at least three times before some things sink in.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - From the mind of Charlie Kaufman comes a new age love story. A good date movie.

Closer - I've got two words that describe this movie. Emotional Violence. This movie convinced me that Julia Roberts can act.

Hero - Visually stunning. Kickass action scenes.

The Incredibles - Best animated movie of the year.

Spartan - It's David Mamet. Need I say more?

Dogville - The most violent movie of the year. You will feel something after seeing this movie. Whether it be good or bad really depends on what you think of America.

Top Five Worst:

Torque - Icecube on a bike? Nah.
Twisted - I saw the ending coming a mile away..
Scooby-Doo 2 - Why lord why?
Van Helsing - Big budget, Big disappointment.
Troy - David Benioff left the Gods out of his screenplay. Big mistake.

Honorable Mentions: Spider-Man 2, Hellboy, The Punisher, Man on Fire, Dodgeball, Fahrenheit 9/11, METALLICA: Some Kind of Monster, Anchorman, Collateral, Ray, Shaun of the Dead, Infernal Affairs, Team America: World Police, Ocean's Twelve, The Motorcycle Diaries.


Unknown said...

Spider Man 2 and the Punisher are honorable mentions. Are they equals? No. Spider Man 2 was the better movie but it didn't make my top 10.

Anonymous said...

How could you not list Farenheit 911 as THE BEST movie of 2004? and RAY as honorable mention is a smack in the face to me...it is one of the BEST movies ever, not to mention one of the best "Black" movies of all time!!! I don't know about you, Bitta...
With love,

Unknown said...

Fahrenheit 9/11 would be one of 2004's best movies if Kerry had won. Ray was good but it was not a black move persay. You don't know movies DrDrea.

By the way my name isn't Bitta it's Dr. Strangejazz.