Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Pat Robertson apologizes.

Is Pat Robertson flip-flopping, or is he being sincere?

Would he have apologized if the White House didn't release a statement distancing themselves from him?

Can someone out there explain to me why people listen to this crack pot? Please for the love of God please explain to me why this asshole gets the attention he does?

I just don't understand why the media would give this crackpot creditbility in the first place. It's a sad state of affairs when a man like Robertson has a lot of followers who hang on to his every word. WHY? Cause he's a preacher? What has this man done to deserve his power? Then I read this.

Now granted the link is a little slanted but there is a little truth to it. Do people really believe that God speaks to this man?

If any of Pat Robertson's followers are reading this I want you to do me the following favor. Kill yourself, seriously kill yourself, you will make the world a better place if you just kill yourself right now. Jesus loves you now kill yourself.


The Marigold Trail said...

Kill yourself, seriously kill yourself, you will make the world a better place if you just kill yourself right now. Jesus loves you now kill yourself.

wow, Doc. that's really bitter. YEAH!!! glad to see you're back. sorry to hear about the computer problems. those things happen. maybe I'll call you this weekend to see how you're doin'?

Anonymous said...

Just another crazy rich whiteman

Unknown said...

Yeah he's another crazy rich white man but he's got a bunch of followers and that makes him dangerous.

Nominal Me said...

Pat's a great guy. You just don't see his genious.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, if you hear voices in your head telling you to do things, it's not God. It's schizophrenia.

Anonymous said...

didn't he co-sign on Jerry falwell's view that 9-11 was divine retribution? Crazy rich white man for sure... hope no one executive acts/ neutralizes Chavez coz you better believe that nobody'll believe us (even if his driver gets stung by a bee and veers the car onto the path of an oncoming truck driven by Venezuelan nuns taking orphans to cancer treatment)