Monday, August 22, 2005

Starting over. Hello Windows XP.

I just want to rant for a minute so bear with me folks.

Time Warner gave me a month of free cable. Why? Because they f*cked up.

At first I thought it was my modem, so I went out and replaced the crappy RCA modem Time Warner gives you with a new Motorola. That didn't solve the problem.

They had to come out to the house three times before they realized that the wiring in my building wasn't the problem but the wiring in another building was the problem. Apparently there is a lot of construction going on in Harlem and someone messed with some cable wires that are attached to my building. So as a result of the gentrification of Harlem I went without cable for a month.

So just as my cable modem problem is resolved guess what happened....

The BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH! Nothing is worse than the blue screen of death folks. When you get the blue screen of death it's time to change operating systems. So after dropping some cash on the new modem I had to drop some cash and get XP Professional. Thanks to a connection I was able to get it at a discount.

So that's my story folks and I'm sticking to it. Granted I've been a little lazy this summer but I promise I will be posting a little more often now that I've got a PC that freaking works.

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